The decision to award the Golden Cork is made by the Executive Committee
after careful consideration of the impressions about people, economy
and wine sensory.
Once a year, the President awards a winery,
which is an excellent example of the philosophy of the wine lodge.
2024 Bio-Winery Dorner A-8480 Mureck , Austria: http://www.weingut-dorner.at/
2023 Winery TENUTE LUSPADA I-72006 Brindisi, Italy: https://tenuteluspada.it/
2022 Winery WASSMANN H-7766 Pécsdevecser, Hungary: //www.weingut-wassmann.com/
2021 Kozlović family, winery Kozlović, Momjan Istria/HR https://www.kozlovic.hr/en
Report -https://bookaleta.com/vinarija-kozlovic-nagradena-zlatnim-cepom/
2020 Wine workshop Stefan Hess, Alte Iphofer Str. 15A, 97348 Rödelsee
2019Wine Village Stara Hora, Sebechleby, Slovakia https://www.starahora.sk
2018 Organic Winery Hell, Klingenstraße 16, 97355 Wiesenbronn https://www.weingut-hell.de
2017 Herdade dos OUTEIROS ALTOS, Caixa Postal no 11, Sta Maria, 7100-149 Estremoz, Portugal https://www.herdadedosouteirosaltos.pt
2016 Andreas Jung, grape variety expert, Heidgengasse 13, 67363 Lustadt https://historische-rebsorten.de
2015 Valter Mlecnik, Bukovica 31, 5293 Volcija Draga, Slovenia http://www.mlecnik.eu
2014 Bioland Weingut Armin Drescher, Setzweg 7, 97247 Obereisenheim https://www.dreschers-weine.de
2013 Tithe cellar family Heinrich Seufert, Bahnhofstr. 12, 97346 Iphofen https://zehntkeller.de
2012 Marienfelder Hof wine and sparkling wine estate, Weiter family, 76833 Siebeldingen/Pfalz https://www.marienfelderhof.de/weingut
2011 Organic Winery Schmitt, Weedenbornerhof, Weedenplatz 1, 67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim https://www.biankaunddaniel.de
2010 Bioland Weingut Erwin Christ, Weinbergstrasse 6, 97334 Nordheim
2009 Organic farm Gerhard Schwarztrauber, Lauterbachstr. 20, 67437 Neustadt-Mussbach https://www.schwarztrauber.com/
2008 Martin Pielmeier, organic wines, Elexenau 1, 94166 Stubenberg http://www.mein-biowein.com/
2007 Jean-Daniel Hering, 6, rue Sultzer, 67140 Barr, France https://www.vins-hering.com
2006 Opposite Monika Luger, Haunstetter Str. 81, 86343 Koenigsbrunn
2005 Weingut Bockmoar, Fam. Jöbstl- Arbeiter, Bockberg 1, 8410 Wildon, Austria http://www.bockmoar.at/
2003 Chateau de la Mallevieille, Fam Biau, Bergerac, France "Prize of Honor of the Wine Lodge"
2002 Winery Hermenegild Mang, Weissenkirchen 38, 33610 Weissenkirchen, Austria
2001 Rolf Lorenz winery, Liehebachstrasse 9, 77830 Bühlertal
The Golden Cork 2015: Valter Mlecnik, Bukovica, Slovenia.
The award was presented by a delegation from the wine lodge on October 24, 2015 at the Mlecnik family's winery. The TV station RTV Slovenia broadcast a short report on the day of the award, link to the program:
RTV Slovenia has reported that Mr.Mlecnik is the first Slovenian winemaker who received the international award for eco-farming: http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/prispevki-in-izjave-tv-porocila/174367154